Dear customers, parcel delivery to destinations in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan is temporarily unavailable! We will notify you when the destination becomes available again.
To send an order to a customer, documents, or goods to a commercial party internationally as a legal entity, fill out the form in our "Business" section or contact a CDEK office in your country. Pick a convenient method in our "Contacts" section: phone or e-mail. CDEK employees will consult with you and pick the best option.
Countries CDEK operates in: Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Indonesia, Serbia, Turkey, UAE, Abkhazia, Israel.
Countries where delivery is possible through CDEK partners: USA, South Korea, Moldova, Poland, Italy, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Great Britain, France, Finland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia.
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